Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Spirit Week: Day 3

It's Spirit Week at the Waters Edge office. Day 3 was Wear Your Favorite Waters Edge T-Shirt to Work. WEC has produced some pretty hot t-shirts over the years. Here is a pic.


  1. Looking forward to Day 4!!!! It's nice to add a little variety and fun to the mix. : )

  2. Hey, you didn't step on my toes at all! I appreciated the advice! Obviously, it's paying off for you! It would be nice to have you as a follower though!


  3. I wanted somone to wear that ugly walmart smiley face yellow shirt like the one forrest gump designed when he was runnin!!!!!!

  4. I love all the Waters Edge t-shirts. I wonder if anyone could name ALL of them. I know I could not.


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