Saturday, December 20, 2008

Movie Review - Seven Pounds

Seven Pounds is Will Smith's newest movie. It has received pretty bad reviews overall. Some have even said that this movie was career suicide for the Fresh Prince.

Even after seeing the movie I don't understand what the seven pounds is in reference to. I did think it was a little slow. It's definitely not one of Will Smith's best...but it's not that bad. In fact I thought it was pretty interesting. Don't take my word for it though Monica liked it as well. One of the friends that went with us balled her eyes out.
I typically give a little bit of the plot away in my reviews but the previews didn't give you I won't either. I actually think not knowing much about this movie makes it better. My official review is one thumb up. Seven Pounds is rated PG-13 for some potentially disturbing content.

Rob's Rating System: Two Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on DVD. One Thumb up = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin. Thumb to the side = Wait and rent it. I wouldn't be mad if someone gave me this DVD, but I wouldn't buy it. Thumbs down = I hated it, wish I wouldn't have wasted money on it, wouldn't own it on DVD.


  1. Nice. One I want to see so glad it got a thumbs up.

  2. a pound of flesh is
    "Something which is owed that is ruthlessly required to be paid back." hence 7 pounds... I loved it, balled my eyes out, it was very heart wrenching.

  3. Wow, I have never even heard of this movie! I am interested now! Thanks for the review!

  4. I'm intrigued... but Benjamin Button and Yes Man have priority.

    --Terrace Crawford

  5. I agree... I enjoyed going into this movie not knowing much about it. Not his best, but even still... everything Will Smith does is great. If the movie itself couldn't hold it's own weight without him, he still makes it a worthwhile experience to watch.


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