Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Change New Years Eve/Day

Let's change New Years Day and it's Eve.

I know we have been celebrating this day for many moons now but I think it is time for a change. The fall and winter have a bunch of really cool holidays all stacked up together. It starts with Halloween and then you have Thanksgiving and Christmas. People dress up, decorate houses, watch movies dedicated to the specific holiday (scary movies for Halloween, Christmas movies for Christmas), and eat lots of food. These Holidays are HUGE! Thus creating a huge shadow for lowly New Years. On New Years you may throw a party but no one has special food dedicated to that day like turkey is to Thanksgiving. No one dresses up in costumes or ugly sweaters dedicated to New Years.

After Christmas the Holidays go downhill fast. Valentines Day is only special if you are dating or are married. St. Patrick's Day you get pinched if you forget to wear green. Easter is nice but outside of the church world it doesn't get the same hoopla as Christmas. There are some other random holidays in there but you get to the summer and all you have is the 4th of July. The 4th of July is a good holiday for Americans but not so much for the rest of the world.

New Years just can't compete with the fall and winter holidays, but in the summer it would shine. Think about it....what if we moved New Years to August 1? To my knowledge there aren't any great holidays in August. Plus it always confuses me that school years fall into two different years. For example if you start your senior year in '08 you graduate in '09. This way you would start a new school year in September '08 and end in June '08. I'm sure there are flaws to my case but in my mind it sounds like a great idea.

Since it's not in Christmas' shadow we could give each other one gift every hour to kill the time until midnight. If you went to Times Square to bring in the New Year it wouldn't be cold outside because the New Year is in August. We could dedicate bathing suits to this great holiday and have a pool party where everyone wears their New Years bathing suit. Who is with me? Let's move New Years to August.


  1. You make some logical points for changing New Year, but what do you mean no big holidays in Aug. It's Rob's Birthday month--not to be celebrated just on Aug.14 but throughout the whole month. Would it really seem right to dilute the most individual day of all with some other less significant event? Really? Only very astute parents would plan a birth day totally apart from any other holiday--We learned from your older sibling that conflict with the holidays has some benefits but isn't always appreciated.

  2. I can see your point, However I don't like wearing a bathing suit and I really don't like wearing a bathing suit to a party with other people. Can we have a new Years throwback party where you dress like your favorite year? I would dress from 1956.

  3. Hey Rob move to Oz! Our school year runs Feb - Dec, Halloween is no big deal & Thanksgiving doesn't even exist!

    Tho' Carbaby would find it tough - its 37 deg C today (99 for you guys), cranking up to 39 tomorrow!

    Tonite we're having a party with a few friends, a mate calls it rewrap the crap cos we give each other unwanted christmas pressies to see in the NY

    Have a top 2009 mate

  4. tis a revolutionary idea. if you ever present this idea in a formal setting, you should have accompanying trumpeteers (if that's even a word) to sound their trumpets.. thus adding quite the epic touch, or "oomph", to your proposal

  5. John, Oz sounds like a magical place. Jake, can you play the trumpet?


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