Monday, July 14, 2008

Video Monday

Today for video Monday I'm going to post an oldie but a goodie. This is a video that Waters Edge did a few years ago. It was a fun video that we did for a series entitled My Name Is. The series was about knowing who God is. This was a fun segment that we did and I thought I would share it with everyone. Enjoy.


  1. That video is one of my all time favorites! It makes me laugh every single time! Haha!

  2. Well, I don't really know WHERE to begin. I've been hearing about this "blogging" thing and I kept putting it off and putting it off, and here it is, 1:43 in the A.M. and I'm alittle dissapointed :-( Reason 1) There's no place to leave a comment in reference to the whole page in general, so I'm having to leave it under the " Video Monday" section.
    Reason 2) I reached the "Vedeo Monday" section, I watched it, and then saw that you have 15 other video's on there. Anxiously, I scrolled through the selection just knowing that I would be able to watch my favorite character "Explicit" in action. I guess he didn't make the top 15 list, huh?! I even scrolled through twice just to double check.
    Reason 3)It is now 1:49 and I still haven't seen "Explicit!"

    O and my personal opinion about the gym scenario, people holding coversations near the machine you're using...I probably would have just moved to a different location of the gym, got on another machine to work a different part of my body! But that's just me.

    Peasant C (a voice for the little people)

  3. The Peasant are the man! Thanks for the comment. Your notes are duly noted.

  4. nice. peasant c, so humble.


Leaving a good comment = God's blessing on your children's children.

Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.