Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Are you are rule follower or a rule breaker. I'm trying to figure out if there is anything in common with the people who tend to follow the rules and with those who like to throw the rules out the window. What are you and why?


  1. I follow the rules..big surprise! But I surround myslef with people that love to break rules,I live thru them.

  2. Rule breaker!! rules are suggestions and as long as no one gets hurt I like to make them up as I go a long.

  3. Heather, why do you think you follow the rules? Rosa do you know why you want to break the rules. Just curious.

  4. Depends on the rule. But I guess that statement means I tend to be a rule breaker. But it does very much depend on the rule.

    The rules I break, I tend to break because I think they're stupid. Rules I follow, I either think are good rules or I fear the consequences of breaking them.

  5. well, I don't like getting in trouble, so that tends to make me a rule follower. I also like to think they were made b/c someone did something stupid, and learned from it. :)

  6. I have always gone against the grain....ever since I can remember. Maybe it's because I don't like to be a follower, but I warn that I am not the best leader either. I say to my kids to do as I say not as I do...and when they are around I try to follow the rules.


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