Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bad Day

So, yesterday I screwed up. I gooned it up. I flubbed up. I jacked it up. There are many ways to say it, but the point is I made mistakes. In other words I didn't bring my A game. Shoot, I didn't even bring my B game. I was feeling pretty down about it last night. I hate letting people down, and I hate making mistakes.

This morning as I was mowing my grass (7:30 AM. I was gone a full week at camp and then didn't have time to cut it this weekend. It needed it bad.) and I thought about yesterday. There were some great things that happened yesterday despite my mistakes.

  1. I received in the mail three books from a guy I barely know. I met him at a graduation party and I am super excited to read the books he sent. He had no idea how great his timing was. This was a God thing.
  2. I received a card from my boss letting me know how much I meant to him. He said he was proud of the work that I put into taking the students to camp. The card had a gift card in it to one of my favorite stores Best Buy.
  3. My wife loves me. I hope every person has someone who has faith in them even when they mess up. My mistakes had nothing to do with Monica, but she listened, supported, and then checked on me this morning. Most people don't get to see all of my mistakes, but she knows how many mistakes I make a day. Even though she sees or hears it all she still looks at me like I'm her hero.
  4. I made some mistakes. I hate making mistakes, but making mistakes can be a great thing. Everyone of us makes mistakes and the real problem isn't the mistake it's if you haven't learned from the mistake. There are some valuable lessons that I learned yesterday. I know I will make a lot more mistakes, but I pray I don't make the same mistakes again.

1 comment:

  1. As horrible as mistakes sometime make us and others around us feel, they teach us lessons. It's a heck of a way to learn new things but it's the new things we learn from the mistakes that seem to be the most important. We all will make mistakes in our lifetime, but hopefully we learn from them and not continue to make the same ones over again. Glad you could see the silver lining in your situation.


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