Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Dark Knight

The pros and cons of a midnight showing. Yeah, tonight I'm going to see the Dark Knight at 12:00 AM at AMC. If you haven't been to a midnight showing then I recommend going. Here are some of the pros and cons that I have found to midnight show.

  • It is the earliest you can possibly see a new movie. If you are a big movie fan this is a big deal.
  • It feels like an event. There's no getting to the movie 5 minutes before start time. You've got to show up at least an hour early to get a good seat.
  • People normally dress up in costumes. I have been to a few of these and by far Star Wars had the most people dress up in costumes. But people dressed up for Superman, X-Men, and the Passion of the Christ (just joking about the last one).
  • The reaction is amazing because everyone is really amped about the movie. People cheer, laugh, and applaud if they like the movie.
  • Nobody can ruin the movie by telling you plot points. I hate when people do this and it always seems to happen.
  • It costs less. At least at the AMC in Hampton. A movie is only $5 Monday - Thursday and the midnight showing counts for Thursday. Movies are $10 on Friday - Sunday.


  • It's midnight for crying out loud. I fall asleep circa 10:30 PM every night.
  • Luckily I have off from work on Fridays because seeing a movie this late is a butt kicker the next day.

I can't wait to see the Dark Knight tonight!!!


  1. Rob, this will be my first, and quite possibly only midnight movie. I hope it lives up to my expectations... it's going to be hard.

  2. I am jealous, my husband gets to go, but nobody will go with me. I hope it is good enough that you guys will want to see in a 2nd time.


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