Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Micro Machine Showers

So at the camp that we go to (Crossroads is a great camp) we stay at a college campus. The campus is great, but there is one tiny thing that I don't love...

You see I am grossed out by public showers. You have to, or at least should, wear shower shoes. Shower shoes for me are cheap Wal-Mart flip flops. I try really hard to avoid any contact with the shower, fearing I might catch the bubonic plague. I don't like touching the shower curtain or walls. My greatest fear is to drop the soap because I don't know if soap cleans itself after touching the drain in a public shower.

The showers at camp have hot water and so for that I'm thankful. The only problem is our showers were made for crack skinny people. I'm serious. Our showers are so small every time I move one part of my body rubs up against the walls of the shower. Whenever I move my right arm hits the shower knob and adjusts the temperature to either lava hot or freezing cold. My left arm rubs up against the shower curtain at all times. Touching the shower GROSSES ME OUT! I feel like I need a shower after I take the shower.

Here's the deal though I really am thankful for the showers. We live in a country that spoils us. At my house I have two working showers that are clean. This makes me blessed. I've had to tell myself that the crack skinny shower is better than the showers in the majority of the world. This thought alone helps me get through the two showers a day I take at camp. That and the fact that I just saw a middle school boy walk through the bathroom completely barefoot. So far he survived and that gives me hope that I will too.


  1. OMG please tell me it was not my son, and then please tell my son to wear the SHOWER SHOES that we gave him! and God bless you leaders because that shower alone would make me second guess volunteering! :)

  2. HAHAHAHA, Ah Camp memories! hahaha

    That's awesome rob!

  3. This made me laugh out loud. Nothing like camp (or a third world country trip) to make you appreciate the comforts of home.

  4. Hilarious. I find this even funnier because I was showering in the girl version of this story. Ours might have been a little bit bigger, but gross nonetheless. I did drop the soap once and threw up in my mouth a little.


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