Thursday, July 24, 2008


This morning I was listening to Mike and Mike, a sports show on ESPN 2 and ESPN radio. One of the hosts Mike "Greeny" Greenberg is known for being a whiny wimp of a man. This week he announced that he is taking boxing lessons. They then talked about who he should fight.

That got me thinking. If I could box anyone in a friendly boxing match who would I fight? I thought about celebrities like Sylvester Stallone. I know I would lose, but think about how cool it would be to say "I lost to Rocky". I also thought about musicians like Bono from U2, any of the Hanson Brothers, and the former Contemporary Christian singer Carmen. I mean musicians aren't known for their athletic prowess. After spending my entire workout this morning thinking about who I would box, I settled on a fellow blogger Ben Arment.

Here's why...Ben is a nice guy and a great blogger. His Blog is followed by many people and it is one of my favorites to read. In my mind I imagine Ben blogging about the fight on a daily basis. Because he is nice he would include a lot of link love to me his opponent. Ben is also a great connector of people. So in the end it really wouldn't matter if I won or lost because my blog would get plugged and after the fight he would introduce me to a lot of cool people. So that's who I'm boxing. Who would you box and why?


  1. Dude, we might be able to make this happen...I think it's just cool that you mentioned Bono, Stallone and Ben Arment all in the same blog entry. I am sure Ben is going to get a good laugh at it all. Watch out Waters Edge - next thing you know Rob Shepherd might be working for Catalyst!

  2. Don't forget that I also mentioned Carmen. I love Catalyst and I can't wait to get there! Chad, you are the man!

  3. Who would I box? Hmmm, I am not sure I want to box anyone at all, boxing is for boys, haha! I am not so sporty! But I guess if I had to choose it would be Ralph Macchio because he always looked super handsome when he was doing karate! And how cool would it be to say.. "I lost to Daniel Son!" Haha!


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