Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Dad

My parents are wicked AWESOME! Both of my parents are dreaming big dreams and trying to accomplish them. My mom wrote her first book this past year. It's called Shake the Dust and Move On. It's a good book and I'm proud of her for writing it. You can check it out here.

My dad has always had a dream to be an actor. He has done some really cool things throughout his life. When he was single he was on the Dating Game. He was one of the bachelors and he won. 9 months later my sister was born. Just joking. People always ask if that is how he met my mom and the answer is no.

Over the last few years he has worked pretty steady, but he hasn't had his big break yet. He has appeared in the films Evan Almighty and Flags of Our Fathers, and he also did a Cox commercial, but I want him to get a major role. He's out in LA right now and I'm praying that something happens. I would love to see him get a role on a show or a speaking part in a major movie. He's only out there for a few days, but you never know what will happen. I told my dad not to settle for work. It seems a lot of up and coming actors start off in cheap movies to try to get their big break. I told him to stay away from the porno, and anything staring Van Dam or Paris Hilton. Those films may be work, but every serious actor looks back over their career and wishes they didn't make films like that. If you know any connections call them and tell them to look up Bob Shepherd.

1 comment:

  1. I want to read that book! Eden thought it was super cool that Rob's mom was one of her WeeWorld helpers this week! And we always enjoy your Dad's cool skills at WEC in videos and dramas! Bottom line is.... you have cool parents!


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