Thursday, July 3, 2008

Is this real

I can't tell what is real anymore. I saw this video on SportsCenter and I could not wait to blog about. But I have since heard that it is fake. Have you seen it? It's amazing! Watch it and let me know if you think it's fake.


  1. Rob it made the news in Oz & I thought WOW! then mmmmmmmmmmhhhhhh - is that real?

    Hope it is!

  2. Rob check out Australian Rules Football (AFL) if you want to see some amazing marks (catches), 70 yard kicks for goal etc

    It will look weird to foreign eyes but it is spectacular!

  3. John the AFL looks AWESOME! I see why it has not caught on in America...we like our shorts to be a lot longer. Thanks for the clip it was enjoyable to watch!

  4., that clip is not real, i don't like to be the deliverer of bad news, but that is just a farse. awesome clip and it made me laugh though...

  5. Glad you liked AFL. The shorts in the 80's & 90's were very tight ... bit roomy now - AFL has fashion too :-)

  6. That is a funny video. Was that awkward to do?


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