Thursday, February 19, 2009

Would You Rather...

One of my favorite games for road trips, survey questions on the blog, or just hanging out with groups is "Would You Rather?" All you do is come up with two scenarios and ask people which one they would rather do. Now there is always someone who tries to destroy the game by saying they would rather do neither. In which I reply with a quick kick to the groin. I then ask them if they would have rather played the game or been kicked in the groin. Just joking.

Here are some examples: Would You Rather be A Rod or Barry Bonds? Would You Rather be rich and have no friends or be poor and have a lot of friends? Would You Rather be poked in the eye with a sharp stick or have your hand nibbled on by a cannibal? Would You Rather scrub floors or hang wallpaper? Would You Rather steal from an old lady or laugh out loud at a funeral? Would You Rather make a child cry or kick a puppy? Would Your Rather have a cat or a dog?

I've been playing this game for so long I've used most of the good ones multiple times. I'm looking for some new Would You Rather you have any that you would like to share?


  1. Would you rather drink a worm milkshake or cockroach brownies?

  2. Would you rather have your fingernails pulled out or your teeth?

  3. Would you rather teach kids or adults?

  4. Would you rather take care of a sick child or be sick yourself?

  5. Would you rather...
    Live in the mountains and never see beach
    Live by the beach and never see the mountains
    Be able to see both, but never live at either?

  6. Would you rather eat tuna the rest of your life or starve?

  7. Would you rather be Chuck Norris or Mel Gibson (careers attached).

  8. Would you rather fall off the stage or be hit by a car while crossing the street?

    Would you rather eat something salty or sweet for the rest of your life?

    Would you rather wear a skirt or tube top for a day? (men)

    Would you rather see it all or see what is yet to come?

    Would you rather have your eyes glued shut for a day or your arms tied behind your back for a day?

    Would you rather know everything or be wise?

    Would you rather be a dictionary or one of the encyclopedias?


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