Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How to be a Ninja

My friend sent me this video today and it is ha-larious. We can't decide if this guy is for real or an act. If he is an act he is a great actor. If he is for real...well watch and you will know what I mean.


  1. i already know this crap.
    i mastered this when i had my diaper on.
    -eric seo-

  2. Well, this is my new favorite quote... "Don't go ninjaring somebody who don't need ninjarin'!!!" Haha! And his sidekick was AMAZING. I love her costume! Wow.

  3. That Kuchera comes up with some of the best videos (is that a relative of his?). That was amazing, do you have an 800 number?

  4. Billy and I are sitting here cracking up. I must say I don't think I've ever heard ninja pronounced as "ninjie"...and I was raised in Farmville. :)

  5. i knew you would appreciate that video

  6. I just wet myself......HILARIOUS!


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