Thursday, February 12, 2009

This is American (insert dramatic Ryan Seacrest pause) Idol

My wife, Monica, and I enjoy the show American Idol. In case you are wondering yes we do vote. Normally it takes me a few weeks to find the contestant I want to back, but this year Monica and I saw someone during the audition that we both like. Her name is Felicia Barton.
We like her for a couple of reasons...
1. She can blow. This phrase is a reference to the fact that she can sing her face off.
2. She is from VA Beach. Monica is from VA Beach.
Come to find out her and Monica grew up on the same street.
3. Her last name is Barton. Rob went to high school with a guy named Loren Barton.
Come to find out Felicia is married to Loren. Loren was a few years younger than me so I didn't know him well, but we went to a small school so I knew who he was.
4. Did I mention she can flat blow.

Anyway last night Felicia was cut from the show. We were hoping for her to make it to the final 36 because that is when America gets to vote. Simon said it was a split decision which I assume means he liked her but some of the other judges didn't think she had what it takes...errrrrrr (slam on the breaks)...

Today we find out that one of the contestants in the top 36 was booted off the show and they replaced her with Felicia!!!! I plan on voting for her when she sings next week. You should vote for her too. Just in case you don't believe me that she can flat sing here is a video of her singing in VA Beach. Her husband is playing guitar.


  1. hip hip hooray for Felicia!!!!!!

    So happy for Loren and Felicia and their sweet baby boy Malachi.
    Top 36...out of 100,000

    I know there church Freedom Fellowship in Va Beach is 'over the moon' excited for her!

  2. She is great! I hope she does well! I like her voice very much! She is a cutie too!

  3. Rob it should be our personal goal to get her to win! Who is with me?

  4. WOW...she is awesome. I remember the name Loren barton when Lindsey was at HCHS but I can not place him.


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