Monday, February 16, 2009

Cool or Uncool

Cool or Uncool, the fairly new game at Here's how you play.

Step 1: Read the question below.
Step 2: Decide whether you think it is cool or uncool.
Step 3: Post your decision by leaving a comment.

Cool or uncool: Guys wearing v-neck t-shirts?


  1. This person has the upper body of one of those waif-type "models" you see on he catwalk. Something doesn't look right here. I am afraid, so I must vote - uncool.

  2. Generally speaking I would say "uncool". The only time I really like the v-neck shirt is when the guy wears collared button-up shirt underneath (like Michael does). But yeah, I don't want to see all that chest hanging out.

  3. It's just nasty and a bit gross... no need for V's!

  4. Uncool, unless there is some type of shirt underneath. :)

  5. I guess I'll stop wearing them now Rob.

    Depends on the person, and style as the one in the pic is low cut.

  6. If you play guitar and/or sing in an indie they are acceptable to wear in public. Maybe not cool, but acceptable. I also agree with Scott they are crazy comfortable and always cool inside your house.

  7. I think it all depends on the chest that has the v-neck on. If it looks good, cool. If it looks dorky or really hairy, uncool. Mostly, though, it is uncool. Not everyone sees the same thing when they look at clothes on themselves.

  8. I agree with Teeny. It depends on the person and honestly the type of V neck. I've seen them look really good on some people. The guy in your picture is definitely UNCOOL though.

  9. man... you VA peeps are haters...

    i though VA was for lovers...

  10. Depends, not a fan of this particular picture and would say uncool in this instance... The V is too low, he's got no chest and it's hairy...

    It definitely can be cool though. Guys with big chest like Miller have no problem pulling it off. Smaller v's work for almost everyone also.

    It's like asking if guys in t-shirts is cool or uncool, depends on the t-shirt, the guy and the circumstance. Any guy in v-neck t-shirt in YMCA swimming pool, uncool.

  11. the normal v-neck t-shirts are cool... but that one is super low-cut.. its just awkward

  12. Higher v-neck is OK, but deep plunge v-neck on a guy with nothing underneath -- very uncool!


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