Thursday, February 19, 2009

The World of Blogging

The thing I like about reading blogs is that it's like peaking into a window of people's lives. A blog may not show you everything about the person but it gives you a glimpse of who they are. I read a lot of blogs. Here are few that I read. Check them out, and don't be afraid to leave a comment on their site. Tell em Rob sent you.
  • This guy leaves the best comments on my blog. People often ask me who he is because his comments make them laugh.
  • This guy posted a really funny video about Facebook.
  • My brother in law started a blog and I read it everyday.
  • This guy has my favorite blog from Australia.
  • I'm excited to go to her wedding in Texas!
  • This guy told me yesterday that his goal was to have more readers than I do. He's wants this to happen in the next 30 days. Help him achieve his goal by visiting his site.

Is there a blog out there that you love to read? Let me know because I would love to check it out.


  1. Rob, thanks for mentioning my blog. Seeing how much fun you had with your blog is what made me want to start one of my own. Although I have only been at it a little over a month, it is already proven to be a lot of fun. I hope people enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it.

  2. I love blogs! I think everyone should have a blog and I'm like you, Rob in that I love reading other people's blogs. I checked out every one of the blogs that you mentioned. And the facebook video is hilarious! I may have to post that on my blog.

  3. Thanks for the mention man! I have you to thank for getting me into blogging. It is only fitting that I try to live up to your blog greatness. Look forward to some great posts ahead!

  4. I personally like

  5. Hey Rob thanks for the mention - I reckon your blog rocks!


Leaving a good comment = God's blessing on your children's children.

Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.