Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Flossin like Mike Jones

Do you floss your teeth? I hate using dental floss. I floss because it makes my dentist appointment less painful. I have a dentist appointment next week. I start flossing about a week before a dentist appointment. A week allows me to get all the bleeding and swelling out my gums before I see the dentist. I know that is gross. On a side note...up to this point in my life I've never had a cavity.


  1. We share a similar bane. I floss, when I know that someone (the dentist) is going to be checking. Not a fan of flossing or the dentist.

  2. I had all my teeth removed as a toddler and got fitted with falsies, and also with fake teeth. Problem(s) solved.

  3. I love flossing my teeth it feels like a whole mouth cleanse

  4. Me neither! Yah! No cavities, or fillings. We rock :)

  5. I follow the same routine as Rob as he is the spiritual leader in our house. :) I've never had a cavity either. Neither of us have had braces. That means our kids should have good teeth, right??

  6. yeah i'm terrible @ making flossing a habit... until the week of my dentist appointment

  7. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who waits until the week before a dentist appointment to floss. Those Reach flossers with a handle do make it a lot easier though!

  8. I guess I'm in the Shepard camp when it comes to the flossing of the teeth.

  9. I just had my first ever cavity filled today. I too usualy wait to flosh until just before my appointment. I'm always grossed out by the first time though. Who knows how long that stuff has been there? But even with that thought and today's experience, I doubt I'll be floshing for a few months.

  10. I hate going to the dentist and flossing and I have never had a cavity either. The only time I looked forward to going to the dentist was when I went to have my wisdom teeth removed!

  11. This no cavity thing must be the younger generation. I've had several, mostly as a kid. This was probably before there was fluoroid in the drinking water. Monica, don't count on the straight/good teeth thing being passed to your kids. 2 of the 3 of mine had braces, implants, veneers the whole bit!


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