Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day. A day of romance, chocolate, roses, and fine dining. Or a day created by Hallmark to peer pressure men to do something romantic. Whether you love it or loathe it, today is the day to be romantic...and the pressure's on. According to the news, the average couple spends over $100 on each other to celebrate Valentines Day.

About five years ago Monica and I started a new tradition to bring a little life into the holiday. We take turns planning Valentine's Day. One year I will do all the planning, gift buying, and romantic stuff. The next year it's Monica's turn. It's fun because it's a complete surprise for the other person.

This year is Monica's year. I woke up to find a great letter (not a card...a one page letter) and two gifts (Coldplay's newest album with 8 new tracks and a new DVD). She also gave me a gift last night right before bed...
get your mind out of the gutter. I would never blog about that. She gave me a Superman action figure to add to my collection.
Later today we are going to the gym together and then out for a Valentine's Day lunch.

Switching off planning the day has made this a fun holiday. So that's what I'm doing to celebrate, but the question is what are your plans for Valentine's Day and how do you feel about it?

Side Note: Growing up Valentine's Day was special to me because it is my half birthday. Because my birthday is in the summer my mom would make a cake or giant cookie so I could celebrate my birthday during the school year. I don't know anyone else who does this but as a kid I loved it. It was a big deal to celebrate your birthday in school and because of my mom's creativity I was able to.


  1. Fine "dinning" and "pear" pressure aside, I will be spending this day with my little one. I will give her a card I made myself and we will have pizza for dinner.
    She has said that she is looking forward to today, but I am not sure that she understands. To her it's a holiday and that makes it somehow more special. Blessings to you.

  2. < del > word < / del >

    That's a really awesome idea about switching off. I have another friend who does that with her husband.

  3. ps...just delete the spaces. the comment section wasn't recognizing that html tag so i had to put spaces to show you.

  4. I may be the only woman in the world who doesn't really care about V-day. Kevin and I try to have a date night once a month depending on the schedules so we kinda have a V-day once a month. This year Keean's birthday fell on Thursday and so we celebrated that on I spent my V-day watching him play a basketball game and then went to Dave & Busters! Besides after 15 years of marriage there's only so much chocolate you can eat and I don't wear that much jewelry. I hope yours was enjoyable!


  5. Happy half Birthday! I celebrated my half birthday a couple years when I was younger too. My birthday is 3 days after Christmas so I never had a school party, we were out for Christmas and out for summer. But I've never had to go to school on my b-day and so far I have never worked on my b-day either!


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