Wednesday, February 11, 2009

One Fear I Have

I don't fear a lot of things. From time to time I get spooked but I wouldn't describe myself as a fearful person. There is however one thing that I do fear. To me it's scarier than Michael Myers, Jason, The Grudge, The Ring, and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The thing that I fear is...destroying my life.

Whether it's sports stars, Hollywood celebrities, or famous pastors no one is immune from making a decision that will destroy life as they know it. I read this the other day and it has me thinking... "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death." There is a way that seems right...that means that in the moment it feels like a good idea...but in the end it leads to death. Death of a dream, a reputation, or a relationship.

I have a fear of doing something that I have convinced myself is right and then watching that decision kill my life. It's so easy to allow selfishness to convince us that momentary pleasure is worth the sacrifice of everything we know.


  1. wow. i too. and it can happen so easy.

  2. If you come with an answer to override this seemingly hardwired nature in me, let me know.

  3. Easy is the best word to put with this topic. However, the song "Spirit Thing" by the Newsboys comes to mind. I thank God we have something to help us not screw up. :)


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