Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Random Facts

Are you on Facebook? If so you have probably been tagged by the 25 Random Things Monster. It's everywhere. If you're not on Facebook it's basically a survey you send out to 25 people about 25 random things about yourself. I called it a monster, but I actually like it. It's fun reading random facts about my friends. I don't know if I'm going to answer the requests on Facebook simply because you have to tag 25 people (which means you request for them to do the same thing you just did). If I did answer here is what I would put...
  1. My first kiss was to my wife Monica.
  2. I own 6 Lakers jerseys. And yes I do wear them.
  3. I went to 12 or 13 different schools. It was so many I lost track. My dad was military so we moved a lot. I do remember that I went to 3 different kindergartens.
  4. I still buy action figures from time to time. They are not dolls they are action figures.
  5. I like Batman more than Superman. This may shock some people but it is true.
  6. When I was in the 7th grade I felt God was calling me to be a rapper. Vanilla Ice was popular and my favorite group was dc Talk. Gangster rap soon entered the scene and my dreams were crushed.
  7. My mom once told my wife she was surprised I wanted to keep the name Christian in the family. Monica and I like Christian as a middle name. After a few seconds Monica asked why she was surprised and my mom said she didn't know I liked my middle name that much. Monica then gently reminded her that my middle name is Christopher...not Christian.
  8. I sang in a band for two years called Sixth Day Wonder. We once preformed at a theme park called Kings Dominion.
  9. Sometimes I watch a movie on DVD and right when it's over I want to watch it again. Case in point the Dark Knight.
  10. I started because I wanted to connect with other pastors. Because of the blog I now have friends that I have never met in person.
  11. My worst fear in life is that Monica would die before me. Call me selfish but I can't live without her.
  12. I worked at a local radio station my first year in college.
  13. I set a goal this year to write a book.
  14. I was so excited when I heard a Chipotle was coming to the 757 that my wife said I acted like she just told me we were pregnant.
  15. When I lived in Kansas I would ask Jesus to come into my heart every night before I went to bed. Why? Because my room was on the third floor of our house, I was in a bunk bed, and there were lots of tornadoes. I was afraid a tornado would hit our house at night and because I was so high up I knew I would die.
  16. I put my DVD collection in alphabetical order. It makes it easier to find a DVD when I'm looking for it.
  17. I became a Lakers fan when I was in third grade.
  18. I like to listen to other preachers. My favorites are Andy Stanley, Perry Noble, and Rob Bell.
  19. I have never tasted beer. I'm not against other adults drinking in moderation I just think it smells like urine. Plus people say you have to acquire a taste for it. I don't want to acquire a taste for something that I think smells like urine.
  20. I iron my clothes everyday...including my jeans.
  21. I wrote movie reviews for the Daily Press (local newspaper) when I was in college. My pay was a movie ticket to go see the movie they wanted me to review.
  22. I don't laugh out loud a lot. I wish I did because I like to laugh.
  23. My brother is the funniest person I know...he is one of the few people that can consistently make me laugh out loud.
  24. If my left hand was made out of the buffalo chicken dip my wife makes...I would eat it. I would try to resist but after about 3o seconds I would consume the yummy goodness that is my left hand.
  25. I don't go to the bathroom if my wife is in there. I also don't enter the bathroom if she is using the facilities. It kills the romance and the belief I have that girls don't poo.

So that is 25 Random facts about Rob. Now that I've shared 25 I would love to know one random fact about you.


  1. I had no clue you were in 6th Day Wonder. I'm friends with Kevin. I remember seeing you guys in a battle of the bands against Alter and Effigy.

  2. You are a very interesting person. I enjoyed reading your random facts.

  3. Nice job Rob. Funny. My 25 + 2 are on facebook, but I'll give you a bonus.

    THe year before I wass married I lived in a converted hunting shack. Nothing matched and the remnants of a meat hook was still hanging out of the shower ceiling.

  4. Scott, I was a founding member. By the time the band did the battle of the bands I was a fan and no longer in the band. I loved their music. Kevin is a great guy. Very talented.

  5. my 25 things are on facebook. I don't think they are very random though. Ok, here is another random thing about me. I eat the outside of my sandwich/hamburger/cookies before I eat the middle. I eat all the way around and then go for the middle because all the good stuff is in the middle and doesn't always get spread to the outside. I want the best bite for last.

  6. I was there for #7. I almost spit my food across the table because I was laughing so hard. Oh Mim!

    There probably aren't too many facts about me (random or not) that you don't already know, and my 25 are on facebook, but here's one for ya:

    I still really have to think about which way is left and which way is right. I think in all our moving, I missed that lesson somewhere along the way. I do know which is which, but I usually really have to think about it.

  7. Rob,you make me laugh out loud. My facts are on facebook but I'll add one thing that is not. I only like to drink milk out of a plastic cup. Anything else has to be glass.

  8. Man I love you. Mine are also on Facebook, but in following tradition....Random Fact #26: I love putting ketchup on my scrambled eggs. Some find it disgusting; I find it delicious.

  9. ditto on the action figures. i'd fight someone for calling them "dolls". and yes, Batman > Superman. no questions asked.

    Sixth Day Wonder! Wow... I remember seeing the band play in the old gym on Todds Lane when I was in middle school.... lol. although i dont remember if u were in the band then or not...

    and #25 may be the wisest decision you've ever made

    my 25, as expected, are on facebook... but I shall also throw in a freebie:

    I own the first 2 Britney Spears albums. Bought them both on release day... I was in love after seeing the "Baby One More Time" video during Thanksgiving vacation back in '98


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