Friday, February 6, 2009


Have you heard of ChaCha? Some of the Students in my Student Community Group told me about it. It's pretty cool. If you ever have a question simply call ChaCha and they will text you back an answer in a manner of minutes. It's provided for by AT & T. If you want to know how how many years Kobe Bryant has left on his contract...ask ChaCha. They told me "If Kobe stays with the Lakers he could play out the remaining years on his contract and become a free agent in July 2011." If you want to know how much the Notorious B.I.G. weighed before he died...ask ChaCha. ChaCha says, "Christopher Wallace, a.k.a. Biggie Smalls weighed over 400 pounds before he died." Or maybe you want to know how many calories and fat grams are in your favorite meal. According to ChaCha there are "758 calories and 35 grams of fat in a Chicken Fajita Burrito from Chipotle." Or maybe you are in a debate and you want to prove what the number one movie at the Box Office was in 1988. ChaCha says, "Die Hard (1988) and the Rambo series (1982, 1985, 1988) all have achieved such success in the action genre." Um...OK, well I guess they don't get the answer right every time. In case you are wondering "Rain Man" was the number one movie at the Box Office in 1988 (Die Hard was 7th and Rambo III was 16th).

All you have to do is call 1.800.224.2242. They say that it is free but standard text messaging rates may apply. Give it a whirl. It's fun.


  1. That's pretty sweet!

  2. Yeah you can also text Cha Cha too. I texted it and asked it who Courtney Hornsby and was and apparently I'm an author that lives in New Orleans. You should test it your name and see what it says sometimes they get it right and it's creepy.

  3. That's awesome. I need a question now.

  4. They have a website too. It's kind of like google, but a live person does the research for you and finds whatever it is you're looking for. I actually looked into being a ChaCha Guide a couple of years ago right after I had Selleck and stopped teaching full-time.

  5. I am actually an official ChaCha Guide. I had to do some training, take a test and learn how to do the searching. They have guidelines and time limits and you get paid by the question. I rarely do it, but it is a way to make a few bucks while being online!


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