Friday, February 20, 2009

American Idol

This week my friend Jamey received an email from Felicia Barton's husband. Felicia made the top 36 on American Idol. Jamey graduated with her husband Loren. I love stuff like this so I thought I would post it.

My friends.
It is now public knowledge that Felicia Barton (my beautiful bride!) will be performing in the third group of 12 semi-finalists on American Idol 8!! Not much to say, at the moment, other than “PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO WATCH HER PERFORMANCE (THE 1ST WEEK OF MARCH) AND VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!!!”

We are so grateful for all of your love, prayers and support. The flood of encouraging messages has been spectacular! Felicia feels so loved and supported, by you, during this unprecedented moment of opportunity in her life! If you are anything like me, you are still reeling over the fact that Felicia was brought back onto the show after being eliminated. It’s nothing short of a miracle...and she’s going to take the chance for all it’s worth!!!

A few helpful thoughts on voting for Felicia:
The voting lines will be open for 2 hours after the can log as many votes as you can call in during that time!
Your cell phone will vote within it’s time zone. (i.e. If you have a CA area code, your voting window will be 3 hours later than other voting in EST)
Consider a few ‘practice votes’ during this coming week’s show, to familiarize yourself with the process...that way you’ll be a PRO when it comes time to vote for Felicia
When you make it to onto American Idol...Felicia and I will vote for you!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The Barton's are really special people and a great family. This will be my first time voting for someone on Idol, and I look forward to watching and supporting Felicia.


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