Saturday, October 18, 2008


This is not a blog about Heroes...per say.

Do you watch the TV show Heroes? Today I started watching season one on DVD for the first time. There is a part of the show that really resonated with me. One of the main characters...we'll call him Peter (we will call him that because that is his name) thinks he has the ability to fly. After his brother tells him he is crazy for thinking this he ends up having a conversation with a cab driver. He ponders out loud to the cab driver about his purpose in life. You see Peter feels like he is created to do more than just exist. He thinks he is created for something bigger.

My question is do you ever have those feelings? It doesn't mean that you don't like your life or that what you are doing is not good, it just means that you ponder about doing more. Sometimes I feel like Peter...I think I have the ability to, that's not right. Let me start over. Sometimes I feel like Peter and I feel like there is more to me than what I have discovered. I feel like I haven't reached my potential yet. I don't know what I'm waiting for. I guess I wonder if anyone else ever feels the same way.

1 comment:

  1. Everyday of my life. I ask myself every morning what I want to do with my life and have very little in the way of answers.


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