Saturday, October 25, 2008

An Ode to Chad

Top 10 things you may not know about my friend Chad Johnson.
10. Chad was Homecoming King for the class of 96. I was on the court and in my mind I came in second place.
9. Chad holds the world record for having braces on longer than any human being.
8. Chad and his brother once dated the same was at different times.
7. Chad was accused of pick pocketing at a 7-11 by a police officer. The officer thought Chad stuck something down his pants. He didn't. He may or may not have had an itch that he had to take care of, but he did not stick any merchandise down his pants. It was pretty funny watching the officer frisk Chad down.
6. Chad once ate an entire box of Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers ice cream one night.
5. Chad once took a step and there was nothing there. It was in the above ground wooden fort at my parent's house. It was getting dark and we were playing guns. He moved into position to shoot my brother and then he disappeared. I looked down and Chad was hanging on for dear life. He caught himself with one leg and one arm. If he hadn't caught himself he would have got seriously hurt.
4. Chad used to have a TV set up on top of his TV. We would watch sports on one TV and play Nintendo on the other.
3. Chad may or may not have mooned his own mother. Long live Francis!
2. It only took Chad 29 years and 364 days to get engaged.
1. Chad is a great athlete, faithful friend, and I own him in NBA Live!

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