Monday, October 13, 2008

Healing In The Name of Jesus!

Apparently God has given me the ability to heal...

Last Wednesday night I was staying in a Hotel because of the Catalyst Conference in ATL. I had driven 9 hours and was exhausted. I slept hard until...I woke up at 4:00 AM to loud snoring. You see I was sharing a room with Bill Sprouse (Director of First Impressions at Waters Edge). Bill was snoring way past his weight grade. You see Bill is a thin guy but he was snoring like a fat guy with a cold.

Now I have been told I snore and in the past I have been rudely woken up by people that I have shared a room with. I didn't want to yell at him, throw a pillow at him, or turn the TV on really loud to scare him. Instead I turned on the air conditioner to make some didn't help. I laid there for about 10 minutes trying to convince myself that his snoring was just noise and that I could sleep through it. I couldn't.

At the ten minute mark I broke and I tried something I've never tried before. I whispered "Bill, in the name of Jesus stop snoring." He didn't stop right away so I whispered "Be Healed." Bill immediately stopped snoring. I'm not joking. He didn't snore for the rest of the night.

Now the true test was the next night. On Thursday night I anxiously waited to see if this was a complete healing or just a one time thing. On Thursday night Bill was as quiet as a church mouse. He slept like a dead man. Praise God! Heidi, Bill's wife, needs to thank God for using me to heal her husband of his snoring. Who knew that was my spiritual gift?


  1. I need for you to speak healing for my husband, He snores like nobody else. He snores louder than anyone I have ever heard--bar none. Ask anyone who has heard him.

  2. That is so cool! And about my Dad, it is true what my Mom said. HE snores louder than ANYONE! It is scary! But I am not sure how he would feel about you coming in and whispering to him in his sleep, haha!

  3. Rob do you think it was the praying or the pillow you put over his face? I normally try praying, something like this: "oh God oh God I am going to DIE if this does not stop" but then succumb to the pillow thing.

  4. Heather...I didn't put a pillow over his face. You're silly. I thought about it, but I didn't do it.

  5. there's a mighty profit to-be-had in the business of curing the ailment of snoring..... lol

  6. That is hilarious, I laughed out loud! I almost got killed for my snoring one time.

  7. I am so glad I escaped the "blogging" after we shared a room at the reteat. thats so funny.

  8. I recently learned that before you marry someone take them camping...tent walls are thin if they snore you will know. I now know I need rob for way more than a friend I need rob as a way to end my fiance's snoring


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