Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Monica and I were having a deep discussion with some friends of ours. It was one of those conversations that just sticks to you. We talked about off and on for hours. The subject at hand was the word shank. Monica and I believe the word has two meanings. Our friends are pretty adamant that it means only one thing. In fact they say that Monica and I are crazy for thinking that shank means what we say it means. This conversation has spread across the country and now into the world...wide web that is. Our conclusion so far is that only a small group of people who live in VA Beach and went to Cox High school share our definition of shank.

What do you think the word means? Define it to your self and then leave a comment. On the comment page you will see the two definitions. Make sure you have your definition in your mind before you look. I don't want you to be influenced.


  1. 1. Shank - One of the definitions of the word shank is "the lower limb in humans, including both the leg and the thigh." To shank someone means you walk up behind them and pull their shorts down thus exposing their lower limbs and the thigh. I actually don't know if that is why shank got it's definitions but it fits so I went with it.

    2. Shank - a prison term that describes a sharp object (like a knife, piece of metal, or anything else a inmate can find) that is used to stab another prisoner in the back.

  2. When you make an error in Golf and hit it badly...it is often referred to as a shank.

  3. It's a cut of meat I put in the crockpot and serve with vegetables.

  4. I always thought it was the early part of the evening -- the "shank" of the evening. I think that both of your definitions are correct and it is also a cut of meat.

  5. 2 words : prison shank

    that's the only thing that comes to mind haha

  6. To clarify, it was not my belief that shank meant only the prison term, but that it did not mean to pull someones pants down.

    Dictionary.com gives 20 definitions and neither of ours are one of them.

    I knew the golf term (means to hit it sharply to the right), the meat one and the lower limb one, the early part of a period of time was new to me, but correct. Thanks for the expansion of my vast knowledge teeny marie.

    I think you'll be hardpressed to find someone outside of VA Beach to go with your definition.

  7. I'm with DP, the URBAN DICTIONARY cleary sites shank as having one slang term(http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=to+shank) and that is to stab somebody with a homemade knife. Sorry Robshep.com but I had no luck finding anything online that supports your definition.


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