Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cool...but sad.

I ended up answering the phone today, at the Waters Edge office, while our administrative assistant was at lunch. The person on the other end of the line asked me "where our church met?" After I told her our locations and service times she told me why she wanted to know. She said that she was a Christian that went to another church. She then said that she met a new friend and wanted to invite her to church...the problem is that she didn't want to invite her to her own church. She told me that she has heard a lot of good things about our church. She said that this new friend hasn't been to church in two years and she thinks our church would be a good fit for her. That is amazingly cool! I love that someone else would recommend our church. She hasn't even been to our church and she recommended it! I love that! The sad part is that her church is not a safe place for her to invite her friend. I pray that Waters Edge never becomes a place where people are embarrassed to invite their friends and family to.

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