Sunday, March 29, 2009

Five Guys and Figure Skating

I love Five Guys! In this case I'm referring to the restaurant and not five dudes. One opened in Williamsburg VA a few weeks ago. Since that is the closest one to us we made the drive with some friends to experience the yummy goodness that is Five Guys.

Pictured Below: Monica showing her love for Five Guys Fries

Pictured Below: Monica and Rob...and Carlyn

Pictured Below: Carlyn, Jamey, and Courtney
After Five Guys my friend Carlyn felt the need to burn off some calories. She did this by reliving her childhood with a game she calls Figure Skating. To our enjoyment her fiance Jamey went along with this.
Pictured Below: Jamey and Carlyn practicing their ice skating routine.


  1. Nice Pics. Go Jamie & Carlyn.

  2. I SO hope they do that at their wedding in May...maybe you should suggest it! :)

  3. In the first pic I look like I could be your child (except for my hair but my roots could be)
    IN the second I could be their little sister who had to tag along.
    in the Third I could easily be Tonya Harding (before she was a criminal of course)

  4. Please oh please incorporate some of those moves into your wedding dance. Big finale. Oh man that was funny stuff.


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