Thursday, March 5, 2009


Let's have a healthy debate. Do you download music? If so do you pay for it?

The question is...

Is downloading music for free wrong or not a big deal because so many sites offer it?

Let the debate begin.


  1. I download music. I pay for it via iTunes. My brother however gives me music he's downloaded illegally, I keep it and listen to it. If I like the artist, I'll likely buy the cd. I like having the cd. Without the free music I never would have likely heard of the particular artist, however I know I'm in the minority in that my listening to pirated music sometimes results in revenue for said artist through purchasing exactly what was originally stolen... what can I say, I like having the actual cd and the book.

    Under the current legal code, it is stealing. I suppose it's wrong. I definitely don't feel strongly about it (actually I sometimes do if the artist is an independent "small" artist, give them the $10, jeez it's their rent money).

    How's that for a convoluted, non-response answer?

  2. I personally don't download. I think that I have two downloaded albums. Both of which I wish I had real copies of. But I don't care if people download stuff illegally. After it's downloaded they'll probably wish they had the cover though...look at the cool pictures.

  3. what's downloading?

    My husband said it all. He gets all my music for me.

  4. Have you met my husband?? jk. My husband buys our downloaded music via I-tunes with gift cards. He makes a mean mix cd. If you ever feel like surprising him with a gift- go with I-Tunes or Best Buy. We also buy a lot of cds too b/c we love music!

  5. i own about 250+ cd's... and lately I've started being more selective about what music I buy, so I download albums illegally to see if they're worth buying... if so, i buy the cd... if not, deleted! also, it's fun hearing an album first a week or 2 before its released.. and then i just buy it anyway on release day

    *cough* kellyclarksonsnewalbum *cough*

  6. i download. usually through itunes, but i have a few places that send me free downloads weekly direct from the artist or with artist permission. i don't steal.


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