Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fashionably Late: A Guest Post By Josh Fowler

Today I have the privilege of having Josh Fowler guest blog. Josh is the type of guy that could sell a car to a blind man. He's passionate, funny, and a lot of fun to work with (Worship and Production Manager at Waters Edge Church). I hope that this post is the first of many posts for Josh on his new blog. Make sure you check it out and leave a comment telling him that robshep.com sent you.

Well waaaaaadup! I felt as though I needed to say that, since this is my first guest post here at robshep.com. This is actually my first post in a really long time, on any blog, as a matter of fact. Who am I, you ask? I’m Josh Fowler, and I have the awesome privilege of working with the guy who writes this blog, Mr. Shep himself. Now if you’re a regular reader of this blog, your probably asking your self right now “self, why is THIS guy writing on THIS blog.” Here’s why:

Let’s go back a couple of months. December 1st 2010 was my first day working at Waters Edge Church. Right from the very beginning, I had a really easy time connecting with new people, especially the staff. Funny enough, Rob was actually the first person that I met from Waters Edge; we met at the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta GA in early October of last year. Rob and I really hit it off from the beginning. We instantly had a lot to talk about, and I could tell right away that Rob and I had very similar senses of humor. At some point after the conference, and after continuing to talk to the Waters Edge staff about the position they had open, it was decided that I would come up in early November to interview for their position. After I got back from the conference, and before going up to Yorktown VA in November, I figured that I would take some time to get to know Waters Edge as much as I could, including the staff there. In doing so, (and I’m not sure how exactly) I stumbled across robshep.com. After only a short time of reading, I learned that Rob was a pretty cool guy, was notoriously critical of movies, incredibly good looking (robshep.com may have added that last one) and was soon to be a dad. I liked what I read, and it seemed like the more I read, the more I had this recurring feeling of wanting to write a blog myself again.

Now there was a time when I was a regular blogger, filled with great ideas on many subjects. But like 95% or more of most bloggers (for some examples of other WEC staff or former staff that have stopped blogging click on the following...Phil Poteat, Bill Sprouse, and Jake Miller) I kinda let things fall by the wayside. In other words, I wasn’t consistent at all. Now I’m not gonna bore you with a list of reasons why, I’m just gonna tell you that I have a new blog, in which I endeavor to never let that happen again. Ok wait, that’s a little lofty even for me, but I can tell you that my mind is blowing up with amazing thoughts that I can’t wait to share.

Many of you in the past have asked me to write a blog, and I’ve said that I would at some point. But you know me; I’m always fashionably late to the party. I mean if you’re gonna make an entrance, you might as well do it right. That’s why I’m fashionably late, and that’s why I announced it at robshep.com. (Because where else would I announce something this cool?) Thanks for reading this far, and I’d like you to finish reading this post and actually check out my blog at joshblog.cc. Stop reading already! Go to joshblog.cc.


  1. ok..you have my attention Josh..it will be interesting..im one who is never late...if the party starts at 700..im there at 700..so this should be fun..lol

  2. Look forward to getting to know you and hearing your spin on life.

  3. This is amazing. Thanks Rob.

  4. oooh! Going to joshblog.cc right now!

  5. Your comment made me laugh.

  6. Your comment made me laugh out loud.


Leaving a good comment = God's blessing on your children's children.

Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.