Thursday, June 30, 2011

3 Questions

So last week I had a blast on this blog by simply asking 3 questions. It spurred a ton of comments and great discussion. Check it here. I love getting to know the faithful readers of I'm scared to try it again for fear that it will be like the movie Speed 2...a hot mess that doesn't go over as well as the original. I'll never know unless I try so here goes something...

3 Questions
  1. More embarrassing - being caught picking your nose or being caught picking your underwear out of your butt?
  2. What was the first album that you ever bought?
  3. What is one chore you wish you never had to do again?
My answers:
1. Being caught picking your underwear is way worse. Just say you have allergies or your nose itches and move on. You get caught picking your butt and nobody is shaking your hand that day.
2. DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince - Parents Just Don't Understand. It was a tape and I bought it with my allowance. I loved that tape.
3. Take care of the flower beds. Hate it!

Okay, now it's your turn. This is an all play. Answer the questions and let's get to know one another like e-harmony minus the falling in love part.


  1. 1. Picking underwear out of my butt.
    2. I have no idea. That I bought? Probably New Kids.
    3. Scrubbing the bath tub, unloading the dishwasher, vacuuming the stairs.

  2. 1. picking nose...i think the other most people realise you got to do something about...haha...right?

    2. zztop - eliminator

    3. cleaning the toilet

  3. O.K., with but a moments thought, I will give this my best shot:
    1). Do you mean picking our underwear out of our butts with our pants around our ankles? Very few do this in public. Anyhoo, I guess going undie pickin' if I had to choose one.
    2). Steve Miller Band - Book of Dreams
    3). Mowing the freakin' lawn. Any kind of yard work really. O.K., any work of any kind. I am much better at napping.

  4. 1.  Picking my seat.  how do you fake the reason for that?
    2.  Either Frankie Valli & the 4 Seasons Greatest Hits #1 or Tommy James & the Shondells Greatest Hits.  Yeah, I am reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy showing my age. but least you asked about albums.
    3.  Cleaning toilets.  i don't weed my lawn or flower beds.  I don't have any beds and I just cut my grass and use weed & feed.  I also hated weeding the garden (maybe that is one reason I no longer have one???) 

  5. 1. Life happens, but seat picking--not in public.
    2. Elvis, maybe??
    3. Shower doors

  6. 1)butt picking
    2)First Tape:Patch the Pirate goes down under(old school), First CD:Thousand Foot Krutch Phenomenon, First Album/Vinyl: Ø Disambiguation by Underoath

  7. 1. underwear, but i do both in the hallways of my job without regard for gawkers. 
    2. CD: Major League 2 Soundtrack, Cassette: Billy Ray Cyrus
    3. Cleaning the stinkin dishes. 

  8. 1. My Dad used to call my little cousin all the time by saying to him "Are you going to the movies?" and he would say "no" and my Dad would respond "Then WHY are you picking your seat?" That pretty much deterred me from ever doing such a thing.
    2. Dave Matthews Band - Remember Two Things & Bob Marley - Legend (I bought them at The Wall at the same time.)
    3. Decluttering- as in going through things. I hate it. But I hate clutter more.

  9. 1) definitely the underwear... for me, that requires a trip to the fortress of solitude in the mens room.
    2) Falco 3: it had the long version of "Rock Me Amadeus" and a lot of other songs in German that I didn't understand.
    3) I don't dislike many of my current chores, but when I was a kid I had to split firewood with a sledgehammer. I'm glad I don't do that anymore.

  10. 1. Underwear.  Like others have said, it's essentially impossible to invent a socially-acceptable reason for that.

    (By the way...two weeks, two underwear-related questions.  Is there something you need to tell us?)

    (And yes, I'm going to be disappointed if/when you do a 3 Questions without an underwear-related component.)2. I don't remember the first album I bought with my own money.  I do, however, remember the first cd I ever owned: Petra's Petra Means Rock.  I chose it as a birthday present to accompany my first cd player, which was also a birthday present.  I used to love Petra.

    3. Organizing and paring down my stuff.  I think this could also use Lindsey's answer: decluttering.  I have a tendency to let stuff pile up, and then when it's messy enough, I want to avoid doing anything about it because there's enough stuff to make it too much work to clean up.

    Typically I don't do the chore until something forces me to do it.  For instance: my home office area was awful...until the carpet was going to get replaced and the room had to be cleared.  Now my office area is much better.  We'll see how long that lasts...

    Unfortunately, I infrequently have other people in my car, and when I do it's usually only one person.  That means you really shouldn't look at the back seat of my car.

    (I feel like I made myself sound like a hoarder.  I'm not THAT bad.  But...well, I'll never be accused of being a neat freak.)

  11. 1. picking your butt. i mean, if you're picking your underwear that would mean it's a little moist down there, right? (um yuck... TMI)2. bruce springsteen - born in the USA3. folding laundry - specifically the delicates. so tedious.

  12. 1. Picking nose.2. Matchbox Twenty3. Take out the trash.

  13. More embarrassing - picking your nose!  everyone picks wedgies :PWhat was the first album that you ever bought? album? what's that? :PWhat is one chore you wish you never had to do again? LAUNDRY.

  14. It's a tie on #1
    First album - Chicago or Earth Wind and Fire
    Clean toilets.  I hate it.

  15. Hey Rob - Here goes...
    1. I think picking your nose is more embarrassing especially if you have something to show for your mining expedition...gross
    2. Point of Grace is the first one I remember buying - yes, I was into cheesy Christian music that I could sing loud in the car - don't judge me and Keep the Candle Burning.
    3. I would have to say vacuuming is my least favorite of household chores. The vacuum is heavy, I end up sweating...not pretty. 

    Thanks for the questions! It's fun learning about other people! Keep the great blog posts coming! 

  16. 1. picking my nose...picking wedgies is acceptable (maybe it's a girl thing)
    2. It was 3 at once, Heart, Whitney Houston, & the PetShop Boys...yeah showing my age..thanks so much, lol! I remember it because I had saved my allowance money to buy my first stereo and was so proud that it was on sale and I had leftover money to buy a few albums.
    3. Dusting...I despise it!

  17. 1. Butt clearing, 'nuff said.

    2. Tape - Novella

    3. Mopping the tile floors that looked so good when the house was new and the realtor was yapping about how great they were and conveniently forgot to talk about mopping and so we fired her after the sale by not moving again so that I could stay home and mop.

  18. 1.) Picking your nose.

    2.) Space Jam Soundtrack

    3.) Clean anything in my house. It's all one chore to me.

  19. 1. I would say picking your seat out of reaction, but I have seen someone do both at the same time.
    2. Either Huey Lewis and the News 'Sports' or New Edition 'New Edition'; both on vinyl.  I dont remember which I bought first, but I do know I had them at the same time.
    3. Any kind of yard work.


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