Friday, June 17, 2011

Days Since Last Incident

Warning: The following post contains the word pee and it involves me getting peed on by my son Hayden. I know what someone is going to be tempted to say, "get a pee pee t-pee." I have one. This joker finds a way to pee on me, but that's not what this post is really about...

This past week I was changing my son, Hayden's, diaper. I was on the last phase. All I had left to do was lift his butt up in the air to slide a clean diaper underneath him. Wouldn't you know it, that joker started peeing everywhere as soon as I angled his butt. Pee went everywhere! Because it was at an angle pointing upward it had some leverage to it. He peed on our basket of clean diapers, all over the changing table, on the floor, and the dresser. Oh yeah...and he peed all over me.

If you think that me getting peed on is funny then you will love what he did a few days later. I turned my head for one second and next thing I know it's raining pee. Shirt - check. Head - check. Floor - check. Hand to try to stop the geyser that is my son - check. Just in case you aren't tracking he peed on my shirt, my head, the floor, and then all over my hand as I tried to block it so it doesn't go everywhere. I squealed and Monica came running. There was a nice puddle on the floor for her to step in. And yes she did step in it.

I really do think that Hayden stores some pee in his body just so that he can get me. His diaper is so full of pee that I think to my self, "surely he doesn't have anything left" But boy does he. We will go multiple days in a row without an incident and then like an unmanned fire hose Hayden will let it spray freely.

The idea of keeping track of how many days since Hayden's last incident led me to a thought. We all have things that we struggle with. For me I will go days, weeks, and sometimes even months without allowing my struggle to cause my incident tracker to go back to zero. There are times when I think I have it defeated, but then it breaks into my life and my incident tracker crashes down to zero.

The problem with an incident tracker is that it puts the emphasis on our works and what we haven't done. When a person becomes a Christ Follower their incident tracker is permanently on zero because of God's forgiveness.

And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace. Romans 11:6.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8.

I don't like it when Hayden pees all over me and gets me more wet than a fish at the bottom of the ocean. It's gross. But the truth is that my love for him is not based off anything that he does or doesn't do. I'm not perfect in my love for my kids but God is perfect in His love for us.
When we fathom God's grace it causes us to stop tracking our incidents. We are forgiven! When we fathom God's grace it causes us to want to do better. Having God's grace isn't an excuse to pee all over the creator. In other words being forever forgiven isn't an excuse to sin. It should lead us to love our Heavenly Father more. When we fathom God's grace we understand that even when we have an incident He's not keeping track. We are forgiven.
Do you struggle with keeping an incident report? Have you ever experienced a shower of baby pee?


  1. Michael was a pro at it.  He got us many times and it was always a surprise and a mess!!!  She will hate me for saying this but Katie even got me once (she was potty training and I didn't sit her correctly.) 

  2. I have heard that they make videos for people who love to get pee'd on, but yuk. In all of my years on this planet, thankfully, I have never been pee'd on. Am I lucky or am I just skillful? Well, I will leave that for eternity to decide. As for your notion of the incident tracker, I have thought about this a lot myself over the years. Just when I think I have some modicum of control over some area of my life, in a moment of depression or anger or hurt or weakness, boom, there it is, and the board is lined with zeroes. This really brings me down even further. Dang, I thought I had gotten past that. 

  3. I'm still laughing.  One of the many reasons grand-parenting is so special is that we get divine retribution as we see these little guys do to their parents what their parents did to us.  Score 1 for Hayden, but who's keeping score.  Excellent point and powerful reminder of the Father's love.  While the Father forgives and doesn't keep score, sometimes, I think as spiritual children we can be real brats in terms of our demands and expectations--God why didn't you do this? or That?  We need to revel in His love, understanding we are the ones who fall short.

  4. ROFL What a great way to bring it home! God's grace covers us!

    Likewise - you might want to always "cover the geyser" with an Extra diaper during changes... The "two diaper change" is an interesting technique - but it saved me more than once with the boys!!!! : D  Its no help with girls tho...

  5. Amber, thanks for the tip. Diapers are so dang expensive, but I might not have another option if he keeps raining a shower of pee on me.

  6. I know I can be a brat from time to time with God.

  7. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  8. Use a wipe to cover him until you are ready to close up shop! It can still be a little messy but keeps you from having pee on the ceiling!

  9. Oh my GOSH!  You're hilarious!  Thanks for the giggle this morning about pee.  I have a male child - enough said.  YES!!  It's great finding your funny blog from Matt - and look forward to connecting with you on twitter and facebook too :)  Blessing!

  10. Cindy, thanks for stopping by. I love Matt's site!

  11. Deanna, good idea. I will try that.

  12. This was really funny and thought provoking at the same time ! Another Great Blog !

  13. This was LOL funny & thought provoking at the same time. Another great blog !


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