Friday, May 15, 2009

Peeing in the Shower...Seriously?

A friend of mine read a recent magazine article that talked about saving water by peeing in the shower. Seriously? That is gross. They said that instead of flushing the toilet just tinkle while you shower. Now I know many a friend who does this but it's just gross to me. I've never done it. I also don't pee in pools or in the ocean. Call me weird but I think there is only one place for tinkle and that's the toilet.


  1. Your parents must have done something right.

  2. Another water-saving tip. Put all of your dirty dishes and dirty clothes in the tub. When you shower, everything gets sparkling clean and lemony fresh. No more running of the costly dishwasher and washing machine! Of course if you bath, wash dishes, and do laundry at the same time, I would avoid going to the bathroom at the same time. Let me know if you have any questions.

  3. lol daniel. omg. refuse to comment to preserve my character.

  4. It was in Glamour. Unless you are sick, your urine is sterile. They actually recommended it.

  5. Seriously, as long as you're peeing "downstream".

    Daniel, that's funny stuff. I'd be afraid of getting "strange" hairs on my dishes though. Anyway to avoid that?

  6. I think I have the best comment leavers in the world. You guys are ha-larious.

  7. I had a friend in college who would swear that peeing in the shower would prevent you from getting athlete's foot, which supposedly is common in those bathrooms that half a hall share. I've never tried it myself...yikes. :/

  8. It's actually an Australian custom - no coming down under unless you pee down there.

  9. I'm with the peeing IN the shower crowd, it's my pee, it's sterile, and also you can drink your pee up to three times before it begins to effect your health negatively, SERE school baby.

  10. I hope that none of you pro peeing in the shower people have wives that like to take baths in the same place that you pee. That would be disgusting! Thankfully, Jon and I are against peeing in the shower.

  11. if a grown man can't pee in his shower, what has this world come to? if peeing in the shower is wrong, i don't want to be right.

  12. that last comment is amazing.

    that's my word verification, thought I'd share.


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