Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cool or Uncool, a game at where you decide what is cool or uncool.

Here's how you play.
Step 1: Read the question below.
Step 2: Decide whether you think it is cool or uncool.
Step 3: Post your decision by leaving a comment.
Cool or Uncool? Wearing socks with sandals.


  1. The photo of the male model sashaying down the catwalk was worth the price of admission today. I think, from my experience, that the whole socks and sandals thing is cultural. On many folks it looks just fine and seems natural. On others, they look kind of dorky and out of place. I guess that I don't have a preference. Hmm, ..., now it's going to eat at me. Shouldn't I have an opinion? What's wrong with me!

  2. I don't personally like socks w/sandals, but what's dorky on one person can become the next fashion "must" when someone with "class" decides to make it a trend. I'm with Daniel--cool and uncool is situational. I have to consider the whole person.

  3. Socks with mandals, definitely uncool. I have a hard enough time thinking mandals are cool at all, with or without socks. I'm talking lots of straps like in the photo. Age is a factor too. Kids & old people- fine. I'm working on being a nicer person.

  4. Nope, not cool. But think was Daniel and Mim said is very true. :)

  5. Why is this even a discussion. Totally uncool.

  6. hahahahahaahahahha LOL!!! what was the question i got distracted by the badly dressed man in the sandals :) hahahhahah

  7. No question, no trying to decide how I really feel, I knew how I would vote as soon as I looked at the pictures.... TOTALLY UNCOOL!

  8. Yes, Daniel you should have an opinion. SO UNCOOL. It is only acceptable if you are getting the mail or taking out the trash. People should not be allowed to wear socks and sandals- put on a show people!!!!

  9. that should say, "shoe" Put on a shoe people!!!

  10. Thats as uncool as having a blog and not posting on it for 4 weeks...sorry Jake

  11. THIS IS THE COOLEST.....signed the guy from the second photo. Does anybody else think it's crazy that the model probably got paid big bucks for that fashion don't

  12. I believe Court summed this up the best.


Leaving a good comment = God's blessing on your children's children.

Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.