Wednesday, May 13, 2009

G.I. Joe

G.I. Joe has been a big part of my life. When I was in elementary school I would rush home to watch the cartoon. I used to get a $3 a week allowance and the highlight of my week was going to the store and picking out a G.I. Joe action figure. I even used to buy the comic books. In other words I loved G.I. Joe.

Recently my brother and I were talking about the new movie coming out in August. During our conversation he mentioned a G.I. Joe named Zap. I thought he was joking. I laughed really hard at that name. I thought I knew my G.I. Joe history so I told my brother he was crazy. He stuck by his story and made me look up Zap online. Sure enough Zap was a G.I. Joe.

Who knew? Zap came with a bazooka and a wicked mustache. Now it's got me thinking...there were a ton of G.I. Joes and maybe I missed some others. For all the G.I. Joe fans out there...who is the most obscure G.I. Joe that you remember?


  1. although I liked GI Joe as a kid, I remember no one. I looked up GI Joe on eBay and although I slightly remember some of the characters, I never would have remembered a name.

  2. I have to agree with DP on this one. I have no idea what the names of the GI Joes were. I just knew they were arch rivals and bitter enemies of the ninja turtle/ghostbuster gang and would constantly try to raid the ghostbuster house.

  3. yeah, sorry to join the gang on this one...there was teh guy in the comic book that died in the well..can't remember a name but was impressed that a gi joe would die.

  4. I've got an obscure GI Joe for you. How about Demi Moore? You probably think that I am making this one up too.

  5. I literally laughed out loud at Daniel's comment. That is the only G.I. Joe I remember :-)

  6. I'm disapointed in you guys. First off if you played G.I. Joes you should remember Snake Eyes, Duke, Shipwreck, and Flint to name a few.

    Second Demi Moore was not a G.I. Joe! She was in a movie called G.I. Jane and it had nothing to do with G.I. Joe.

  7. I liked Kuchera's comment a lot, it made me laugh. I didn't have the Ghost Busters house, but the Ninja Turtles were in and GI Joe men were at constant war with Star Wars.

    Sorry Rob, I do remember the name Snake Eyes, but I couldn't pick him out of an action figure line up.


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