Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Does Jesus Make A Difference Part 4

Does Jesus really make a difference in a persons life?

This is the final post on this topic. I would like to give some practical ways that Jesus can make a difference in your life. Please understand that doing this list doesn't change God's perspective of you, it changes your perspective of God. God loves you no matter what and doing things won't make Him love you more or less. It will however allow Him to make a difference in your life.

  • Pray. I'm not just talking about praying for sick people or that you win the lottery. Pray that God would make a difference in your life. Beg God to show up and move you. The whole Christian movement was started by 120 people who were seeking God. Read Acts 1:15. God moved through 120 people and then it spread to 3,000. From there God continued to move and connect people to Him. Today Christianity is HUGE, but it started with 120 people praying.
  • Fast. If you want to depend on God fast for a meal or two. It sucks to be hungry. That is why I make sure I eat at least 3 times a day, but Jesus told us to fast. When you fast take the time that you would normally eat and spend that time praying. Make sure you drink lots of liquids and lower your amount of physical activity.
  • Tell someone about Jesus. When you are passionate about something you talk about it. Ask God to give you an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus and then seize the opportunity.
  • Stop doing what God has asked you to stop doing. If you have a sin in your life that God has convicted you about then stop doing it. Ask for help, get accountability, do something.

I'm sure there are more things that you could do. The point is to do something. There is nothing magic about this list.

I would love to know how Jesus has made a difference in your life. Leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. You know the corny bumper sticker "Jesus is my co-pilot". If you think about it, it is not so bad. Realizing when nobody else is around us, that we are not alone. Realizing that when we are on the verge of sinning, that we are hurting more than ourself. Realizing when we are ready to turn a shoulder away from need, that we should reconsider. Make Jesus your co-pilot and you will fly higher than you could ever have imagined. God bless Rob.


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