Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Does Jesus make a difference? Part One.

I'm wondering if Jesus really makes a difference in our world.

I recently read a survey given to high school students. The survey asked moral questions like is it wrong to have sex before marriage, cheat, lie etc. The survey divided up the students into two groups, those that were Christians and those that were not. When asked the questions the Christian students answered like you would expect Christian students to answer. They said that it was wrong to lie, cheat etc. The majority of the other students said that it depended on the circumstances, or that if it benefited them it was ok.

Then the survey asked the students about the last few weeks of their life. According to this survey the majority of the Christian students lied, cheated, and had sex. So basically the only difference Jesus has made in this group of students lives is that they say things are immoral, but they still do them anyway.

If the only thing Jesus is going to give you is a guilty conscience then why bother? Over the next few posts I'm going to continue discussing this topic. I would love for you to come along for the ride. So how has Jesus made a difference in your world?


  1. This post reveals some disturbing information. In high school I knew a little bit about the world, but the notion of having sex, well this was not the reality of the world I lived in. It was also not the reality of the world for my circle of friends. I guess times have changed. The disturbing thing now is protecting my young daughter from attacks I do not feel educated enough about. Who or what are polluting their minds. How do we keep them safe and close to the biblical lessons?

  2. Knowledge is only one part of the equation. I knew all the stories. I knew the laws. Sex was bad. Don't chew gum in church. Alcohol was from the devil. Wear a tie on Sunday. But there is a difference between head knowledge and heart knowledge. What does our system produce? If you don't like the output, you gotta change the system.

  3. I found this to be a very interesting post. I have often wondered if people who grow up without knowing God feel guilt or "off" about things like premarital sex or underage drinking. Or is their ingnorance their "bliss"?


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