Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I love gifts!!!!

I love receiving gifts! My friends Ryan and Kim Windle recently gave me a Chuck Norris shirt that says "10 Things You Need to Know about Chuck Norris."

The funny thing about that shirt is that Chuck Norris, Rob, and the Windles go way back. The Windles were in the first Community Group that I led. During that group I used to tell Chuck Norris facts on a weekly basis. During that time Ryan and Kim were pregnant. Ryan started telling people that it didn't matter what the sex of the baby was he was going to name it Chuck after Chuck Norris. After Natalie (not Chuck) was born I went to the hospital to see them. The first thing that Ryan says to me is that Chuck Norris watched the birth of his daughter. During the delivery Ryan looked up and saw that the TV was on. The show that just happened to be playing was Walker Texas Ranger staring Chuck Norris. I get a kick out of that story. Thanks Windle's for the gift! By the way did you know that before Chuck Norris goes on stage he breaks someone's leg to give himself good luck?


  1. Did you know that on his birthday, Chuck Norris chooses one lucky child to be thrown DIRECTLY into the Sun?

  2. Chuck and your shirt are amazing...Superman once watched Chuck on Walker, Texas Ranger and then cried himself to sleep.

  3. Walker & Texas Ranger are the coolest. Ricky Bobby named his sons well.


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