Friday, April 4, 2008

Welcome to Old...

So I have been wanting to play basketball for a while now. I used to play all the time in college and seminary, but I only play a couple times a year now. A guy that goes to my church invited me to play basketball on Thursday and I immediately jumped on the opportunity. Well, it took me 3 weeks to actually jump on the opportunity because I had prior commitments, but this Thursday I went. I show up and the first person that I see is Greg Garrett. Greg is a realtor extraordinaire, local celebrity, guest star of 2 Waters Edge videos (, and all around good guy. After Greg gets off the phone he comes to talk to me and the first thing that he says is "how's it make you feel that you got an invite to old man basketball." I look around and there are multiple guys in their 50's. Come to find out this was started as an old timers basketball get together. Before the night was over there ended up being multiple guys in their 20's and early 30's. I guess word leaked to the young guys. It's funny to me though how quickly things turn. I'm 29 and it wasn't until this year that I started to feel older. Not physically older but older from others perceptions. I turned 29 in August and when I tell people that they are either shocked or get this pitied look on their face. As if 29 is the last step before I enter the old folks home, wear depends diapers because I have lost all control, and call everyone sonny. The students that are in 6th grade at my church tell me they think I'm 40. I guess to them anything over 21 is ancient. Technology is another thing that yells your getting older. I don't text well and it makes me angry that DVD's are quickly transitioning to down loadable formats for your computer. I like the case of a DVD and I like to show off to anyone who cares that I have a bazillion movies. Anyway the point is that I'm getting older. You know what though, I'm fine with it! I love every year of my life. I feel more secure in who I am, more in love with my wife, and more happy then I have ever been. Truth be told I can't wait for 30.

1 comment:

  1. Dude! You're as young as you feel - I'm 25! I've got some extra Oil of Ole' Lady if you want to borrow some.


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