Monday, April 28, 2008


I have requested off for vacation this summer. Each year Monica and I take off for our anniversary (it's in August...send gifts...we are registered at Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Toys R Us, or just give cash...joking). We are looking for ideas as to where to go. We want something fun that will not break the bank. We save up for trips and don't go into debt over them. I would love ideas that you might have. Leave a comment and let me know!


  1. I've already told you Chicago. Stay for free at my parents house. Yes, it's a camper, but it has AC / Electricity, allows privacy AND it's at least as comfortable as the river house's bed.

    Think about it. Cubs, an amazing zoo, good pizza / fancy chinese...

    Re-0pen your poles, I'd like to vote.

  2. How about Cincinnati? You'd have a free place to stay and we have a new guest bed -- no more water bed. Plus, there's nothing more romantic than waking up to the sounds of your nephews. :) Sar


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