Sunday, April 13, 2008

The search for famous

So, Monica and I went to LA and had a AWESOME trip!! I love movies and I love the Lakers, so LA offers a lot for me. If you know me very well you will know that I am a fan of meeting famous people. I don't ever want to bother them and I try to not be a psycho stalker, but I do enjoy meeting my favorite celebrities. Going to LA should equal a sure fire celebrity encounter. I was hoping to meet or run into at least one. On Monday we went to Hollywood and toured the walk of fame. We saw Kim Kardashian filming her reality TV show. The problem is I don't really know who she is, so I don't count her as famous. Day one = no famous encounters. On Tuesday we went to a taping of Deal or No Deal. I told the seating lady when she asked how many were in our party that there were three really good looking people (I was hoping to get close to a camera). Apparently she disagreed because she sat us in the way back dark part of the studio. The show doesn't air until June, but the only way you will see us is if you have Tivo or DVR and pause the show. I was hoping to run into Howie Mandel, but we never got close to him. I used to love his cartoon Bobbies World ( Day two = no famous encounters. On Wednesday we went to a taping of Jay Leno. It was probably the most fun taping we went to. Jay was funny and made the taping a lot of fun. His guests were Ellen Page and Donnie and Marie Osmond. We didn't get to meet any of them. I had my chance to meet Jay. Jay comes out before the show and warms up he crowd. After he asks if anyone has any questions. I overheard someone saying that at that moment if you yell out he will call on you and you can get a picture. I overheard a lady telling her friends and I didn't feel right stealing that moment from them. It was cool though...Jay took them on stage and posed like he was interviewing them. Day three = no famous encounters. On Thursday we went to a taping of The Price is Right. It is an all day event. We got there at 7:30 in the morning and you just sit for hours. We did see one of the cast mates from Big Brother, but I didn't know his name. I have a hard time asking a celebrity for a picture if I can't come up with their name, so I let him go. After hours of waiting they line your section up in front of a director and he asks you to say where your from and what you do. I tried to be witty and after he asked me my question I asked him how he was and what he does. He gave me a courtesy laugh and moved on. The three of us that went didn't get picked to go on the show. I don't take rejection well and ever since they rejected me and didn't tell me to come on down I have had a bitter taste in my mouth towards the show (I'm joking...the whole thing was fun). That night we went to the first of two Lakers games. Our seats were at the very top of the stadium. Billy Crystal was there, so was David Beckem and Posh Spice. The game was fun LA won by 30. Day four = no famous encounters. On Friday we took it easy went back to Hollywood and did touristy stuff. Later that night we went to our second Lakers game. It was AMAZING!!! Lakers won and clinched their division. We saw in the crowd Jack Nicholson, David Beckam again, David Arquette, Terrell Owens, and Penny Marshall. As the game ended everyone left pretty quickly. Our seats were on the floor so I could see all the celebs leaving. We hung out for a few minutes after most people had left (this is key in meeting famous people...hang out for a while and see what happens). I saw Steven A. Smith (ESPN personality) talking to some people near our section. I went down to ask him for a picture and I got fussed at by an usher. I moved back to my section and noticed the usher left. I waited a few minutes and when Steven finished his conversation he looked my way. I asked for a picture and he said yes. I made my way down and got fussed at by another usher. This time though I pointed to Steven and he told the guy to back off (really he just said it was OK). I went down and got my picture with Steven. Day five = one famous encounter. I will post some pictures of the trip as soon as we get them on the computer. Overall it was a great trip and I loved every minute of it!

1 comment:

  1. Stephen A! I love Stephen A! Sounds like a sweet trip. I am glad you guys got to get away and have a good time together.


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