Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Serves me right...

So, I blog today about pets and why I personally don't like them. Tonight we go to dinner at a new friend's house and they have a dog and cat. How ironic is that? I kept wanting to laugh because I was thinking about my list. First thing the dog did when we got there was take a sniff in the general vicinity of the area known as my crotch. We had a great time hanging out with this couple and I pray they don't read my blog because I don't want them to feel bad or think I wrote it because of them. Again I don't mind pets for other people...I don't hate pets, and I don't mind coming to your house if you do have pets. When I wrote the post I had no idea they had pets. I really did enjoy dinner tonight and hanging out, but it was further proof why I won't own a pet.


  1. Rob,
    thought it was time to post a comment on your blog. I have been reading your blog faithfully, but because I'm already spending 10-12 hours a day on a computer with my job, when I read over my personal email on my home computer, I don't like to spend a lot of extra time on the machine. So, I haven't been great about responding - not that your readers have to comment on everything you write.... Just wanted you to know that someone out there is reading and listening and thinking about what you're writing...which is way awesome, by the way. I used to keep a diary in the 4th grade that had a nifty lock and key, and that's where I would write my musings - how different things are today! We're in the "decision about having a pet" dilemma right now - our cat Thomas died a few weeks ago - we had him for 10 years - we all cried. It wasn't all that bad or expensive caring for him (and thankfully, you don't have to pick up doobers in a baggie - just empty litter in the trashcan - and with FreshStep litter (free commercial here...) keeps the house from being smelly. He was a free kitten, and catfood/litter expenses ran about $12/month (or 3 BK Jr Whopper meals - value sized - per month) so not a particularly piggy bank-breaking expense. He was a great cat - it's all about the unconditional love they show humans - most humans don't get that from other humans - just from Jesus - so I guess it's about the next best thing. How can you put a price tag or odor meter on unconditional love?

  2. Kathy...thanks for the comment. Monica and I loved seeing you guys last weekend. Thanks for letting us stay at Hotel Manis! We love you guys!


Leaving a good comment = God's blessing on your children's children.

Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.