Friday, April 25, 2008

House Party

Last night we had a House Party at church. The House Party is how people join our Community Groups at Waters Edge. I think it went pretty well. We had a bunch of people and they all wanted to join a group. Here were a couple of thoughts...
  • I was nervous about having groups dance at the beginning of the night. Some people got into this and one guy even came up on stage and did the classic white man dance (the one where you put one hand behind your head and the other on your ankle and you move your knee up towards your chest and then back down).
  • Next time I am going to have more mixer games. I'm thinking corn hole.
  • The cheesecake was a hit and Tab did a great job buying supplies and helping set up.
  • It was a great team effort. I loved having Jamey, Bill and Stu there. I was able to really focus on the information and hosting and not some of the other details.
  • A lot of people joined groups and that is really exciting! I can't wait for the next one.


  1. Hey Rob - This is Mike Eaton. Could I get your email address? Thanks man, have a good week!


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