Saturday, April 5, 2008

Where is God?

I try to read the Bible every day. It is not a legalistic thing that I feel forced to do. It is a privilege that I get to read about God interacting with humans. I love it when the Bible comes alive and draws me to fall more in love with God. I've been reading Genesis lately and it is an amazing book of the Bible. God is very active in parts of Genesis...Creation, Noah and the flood, speaking to Abraham about starting a nation. It is pretty fascinating. But one thing that I have noticed reading it this time is that there is not a lot of commentary on every one's actions. People since the beginning were liars, thieves, addicted to sex, and all around selfish. I have read the occasional disdain from know the world wide flood where he destroyed everyone because of their sin and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sin. Overall though there are lots of sections where God doesn't comment. For example the story of Jacob and his wives. God doesn't say in this story that their actions are wrong. But at almost every chapter Jacob and his wives are lying, stealing, or deceiving someone. Then there is the story of God wrestling with Jacob. Once again there is not a lot of commentary from the Bible. Genesis just throws that story in without telling us why God wanted to join the WWE (formerly the WWF) and lay the smack down on Jacobs roody poo. I don't know what we are supposed to do with some of these stories, but what I love about them is that it shows how human the people in the Bible were. They were flawed, selfish, and in need of a savior. I have found a lot of hope in seeing God interact with such sinful people. I have found hope in seeing humans struggle with not being able to get pregnant (Monica and I have been trying for close to 4 years now). I find hope in the fact that Jacob was able to wrestle with God and it was an all night pay per view event. Jacob wrestled with God all night long until God told him to stop. Jacob replied I won't stop unless you bless me. I don't understand everything about God, but I love that I get to wrestle with God on issues that I don't understand. I love that God interacts with me and gets involved in my life. I love that God blesses me. I don't have all the answers but I know that God continues to draw me to Him despite my flaws.

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