Saturday, July 23, 2011

Double Feature Movie Review: Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2

This is part 1 of 2  for a double feature movie review.

I'm not a phanatic Harry Potter fan. I have never read the books. I have seen all of the movies and I like some of them and I think some are mediocre. I'm nervous about this movie review because I know how passionate Harry fans are. So I give this movie review an asterics. If you are a HUGE Potter fan then you will no doubt love this movie. If you are an average fan or have never seen them then you might not leave satisified with this film.

Here is my biggest problem with the film they fail to capture the emotion of an audience who hasn't read the books. For example SPOILER ALERT: Multiple characters die and they don't even show their deaths. They show them dead but they fail to get you to care because they don't show them die.

In my opinion they should have followed Star Wars recipe for how to do a two part movie. Empire Strikes Back leaves you in the middle of a story. They leave you wanting more and knowing that the movie is not over. They pick back up with Return of the Jedi. Return of the Jedi not only concludes very well they make you care for the characters that are finishing up this journey. Both movies go together but they can also stand alone as great films. This movie feels like the second half of the first movie and I'm not sure they should have split them. There is a lot in it but they still fail to capture the emotional pull of a series finale.

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows is rated PG-13 for action violence, some scary images, and some English swears. I give it one thumb up. *If you are a Harry Potter fan you'll probably give it two thumbs up.

Rob's Rating System =
Two Thumbs Up - A great movie worth paying full price.
One Thumb Up - A decent attempt and worth seeing at a matinee price.
Thumb to the side - An ok film, but wait for video.
Thumb down - A stinker of a film. Don't waste you life seeing it.

Did you see Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2? What did you think?


  1. I haven't seen any of the H.P. movies in the theater. All that I have seen so far was on T.V.. I tend to like the first couple, when the lead characters were a bit longer and more innocent. I likely will see this one in a couple of years when it shows up on cable.

  2. Sorry, had to skip over to the comments because I didn't want to read any spoilers.... :)

    Hope to see HP this week!


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