Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mind Dump

It's been brewing for some time now. The following is a massive mind dump of all the random stuff going on in my head...
  • Question: Do we really need a video game based off the TV show The Bachelor? I saw it the other day and I couldn't help but wonder if anyone ever bought this game.
  • No Shave November is in effect. I know two people who are participating. One has really blond hair and the other is a high school student who...well it doesn't really look like he's participating. Do you know anyone?
  • Next week is Thanksgiving! Love it!
  • I love the TV show "Chuck." It's one of the best shows that no one is watching. What I mean by that is the ratings aren't great, but it's still a great show. Do you have a favorite show that's not real popular?
  • I saw a sign that said "Slow Children At Play." Now typically the sign is read SLOW. Children at play. Most of the time the slow is written really big and the other words are underneath it. This sign was not written that way. When I read it I thought...that's not a very nice thing to say about some kids. They can't help it if they are slow. What's next "Nonathletic Children At Play." I then read the sign again and understood what it was supposed to say.
  • Speaking of slow...I jogged almost 6 miles for the first time in my life. 3 thoughts...1. That's the furthest I've ever jogged. 2. Nobody was chasing me. 3. Fat guys shouldn't jog that far.
  • I had heard that if you can jog 3 miles then you can do 6. I wanted to test that theory out. Apparently it's true. What they didn't tell me is that I'd be sore for more than 3 days. I feel like I'm 107 years old. I waddle when I walk. Once I get moving I'm ok, but it's getting started that hurts.
  • I wish that I could do something else while I was jogging. Like if there was a way for me to blog while I jogged I'd be set. I have a lot of thoughts while jogging and I often forget them by the time I get home.
  • Now that I've jogged 6 miles my next goal is to jog with Danielle Peters. She's like Forest Gump. Let me clarify: she is nothing like Forest Gump with the exception that she runs really far distances. She has run multiple marathons.
  • With the holidays coming it's time for the "Winter Movie Season!" I have been slacking big time on seeing movies. I can't wait to get some theater time in the next few weeks. If you like the movie reviews at robshep.com then get ready...they are coming.
  • Mr. Anderson has started his new job as the Community Group Manager at Waters Edge. I'm so thankful to have him on the team!
  • Now some have asked why I call him Mr. Anderson. 2 reasons 1. The Matrix. If you haven't seen the first Matrix then you are probably one of the ones who asks that question. "Mr. Anderson" is one of those very memorable lines from that movie. 2. I give almost everyone a nickname. I don't know why, but I do. If I've given you a nickname then you know it because I'll most likely only call you by that name.
  • Oh and his name is Steven Anderson.
  • Mr. Anderson made his debut at Waters Edge on Sunday. You can watch it here. We did something at church that we've never done before. It's within the first 5 minutes of the service.
  • If you like video games then you should help settle a debate by voting on the new survey at robshep.com.  My buddy Dan Peters claimed that nobody plays PS3. I claim that it is a superior system to the XBox 360. It comes with a blue ray player and you don't have to pay extra to get online. The PS3 is the Cadillac of gaming systems.
  • This Wednesday we will be 17 weeks pregnant. There is a small chance that at our appointment on Wednesday we will be able to find out the gender. I doubt it, but there is a small chance.
  • Speaking of being pregnant...my wife looks pregnant. That's a good thing because she is, but over night she started looking really pregnant. Now don't get all sensitive on me. I'm not saying my wife looks fat. She looks pregnant and that's a good thing. In fact it's a God thing. We've waited 6 years for this and we are loving it.
  • It is kind of weird though seeing everyone touch her stomach.  People we don't even know walk up an rub her belly like it's good luck. 
  • Have you seen the Geico commercial with the woodchucks? Ha-larious. It's still my favorite commercial on TV. In case you haven't seen it...
  • A close second is the new "Call of Duty: Black Ops" commercial. It features Kobe Bryant and it makes me want to play that game. Click here if you want to see it.
  • Speaking of that game I've never really played it. It's sweeping the nation. Most my friends play it. I don't know how they play "Call of Duty" without laughing. I mean when doody calls you've got to answer it, but I'm not sure I want to play a game with that name.
  • Speaking of doody...this "Mind Dump" is over.
Whew...I feel much better now.


  1. PS3 is the BEST!!!! I'm still wandering what Kobe's username is. Probably Kobe24

  2. So many varied things that came out today. Hopefully the pressure on your mind is relieved and you can now concentrate fully on the pain in your body. Oh, and speaking of things medical, I am a doctor (a true statement), and I can tell you with some certainty (say 51%) that the gender of your kids is probably either male or female. Because I am your friend, or at least one of your blog stalkers, there will be no charge for that diagnosis. Have a good one.

  3. Daniel, I'd say friend and I'd also say your comment was funny.

  4. Is this Simeon Roberts? I agree with you about PS3. You should look for Kobe and see if you can find him on there.

  5. mind dumps are my favorite!

    i have one firend doing no makeup november--janie darone (she's a WECer--freshman at JMU). i also have a childhood friend doing MOvember--he's growing his moustache for the month and raising money for men's health awareness--the "MO" will look like awareness ribbons at the end!

    my in-laws have the SLOW children at play sign. i've always thought it was awful. they really should make it "Watch out--children at play" or something.

    on running: you rock! 6 miles is a HUGE accomplishment. and now that you've done 6, you can do 12. or a half-marathon :) have you ever thought about downloading a book onto your ipod to listen to when you run? i never have done that, but it seems like a genius idea.

    all the new staff at WEC is super-exciting. i'm fighting massive amounts of jealousy, but very happy for all involved! steven was great on sunday--a natural for sure.

    did you get my message about cribs? not like your awesome house, but for your babies.

    oh, and have you ever taken a bath in epsom salts? it works miracles for sore muscles.

  6. I noticed Wednesday that Monica was actually looking pregnant. I think she looks beautiful..I'm not a doctor but I am going with Daniel and saying that the twins are either boys or girls or one of each.

  7. I can give some input to the console debate. PS3 is the superior system no doubt. Graphics, free online, etc. But Xbox is the common console. Everyone has it. It comes down (to me) as to whether you want to have awesome amazing graphics by yourself, or pretty good graphics with friends, admittedly having to pay to play. But I think it's worth it.

  8. That is so weird, I saw a "Slow Children At Play" last weekend and made a similar comment to my hubby that it seemed mean to say..lol, and honestly I NEVER make jokes like that but it just jumped out at me because the Stop wasn't emphasized. I wonder if we saw the same sign...

  9. He won't be able to find him, Kobe is on xBox with everyone else.

  10. First, love both of those commercials. Second, Steven is probably right.

  11. a) Don't forget Jake "Holla" for the no-shave.
    b) Props on the 6 miles. Hope you get unsore soon.
    c) So happy for you and Monica. Happy six weeks!


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