Thursday, November 5, 2009

Japanese Products

America needs to get on the ball. The following are Japanese products and they are ha-lariously awesome.


  1. I need the sleeping buddy for when you are out of town (thanks Brett), and I could also use that toilet paper roll head band. My nose is running like a faucet!

  2. i am asking for those fur pajamas for christmas...

  3. O.K., this was a post most awesome. You have made my day.

  4. Love this post! How fun! Some of those products could be very helpful!

  5. Hahaha...that made me laugh out loud. Those are hilarious. :) I love the one where the lady has her chin propped up.

  6. Oh my gosh. SO funny! The duster pajamas on the baby are not a bad idea.

  7. I love the duster on the baby pj's, especially if you have wood floors. I'd have lots of playgroups at my house and have them crawl under the beds, too.

    I could use the body-brella, too.

    so funny.

  8. I know this is an old post... but really... I'll TOTALLY make you one of those "one arm hug" pillow.

    HA! too funny!

  9. hahaha those pictures are funny!


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