Monday, November 9, 2009

The Car Accident

This past weekend I saw a car accident. What happened after this accident sets it apart from all other car accidents. It was weird.

I'm turning left and a car pulls up beside me to turn right. I'm patiently waiting when all of the sudden a car comes crashing into the car next to me. The driver hit the other car hard enough to move them up a few feet. The car also dented in the back side of the car it hit.

Now I never know what to do when I see an accident. I think I'm supposed to stick around and be an eye witness. My brother was with me and I asked him what he thought we should do. Before he could answer I noticed the driver who hit the other car was smiling like he just heard a good joke.

The driver in front of him then pulls over to the side of the road. At this point I was thinking they were going to get out of their cars and talk about what just happened. While still smiling the driver who hit the car pulls out and starts driving like he's not going pull over to the side of the road. The car who was hit then quickly pulls out in front of him and they both drive on their merry way. It was weird. The weirdest part though was the smile the guy had. Maybe that smile scared the other driver away and that's why he didn't stop. Do you have any theories?


  1. obviously they both love spam sandwiches, and after reading hte sale ads in the sinday paper, did not want a little car accident to get in the way...

  2. I hate seeing accidents happen. Remember that crazy weekend in Texas when we saw 3 or 4 in two days? This situation is just weird!

  3. The only logical conclusion that can be drawn from the available evidence (and Brian is clearly wrong) is that laughing gas was involved on one or both sides. I can provide a complete bibliography to substantiate my findings if you would find it necessary.

  4. That is the weirdest thing I've heard in a long time. Maybe they were stunt doubles in a movie you didn't notice someone was filming.

  5. Chad, that's what I thought at first, but my brother pointed out that even if you knew someone you would probably want to get out of the car to see the damage. No one ever checked the damage.

    Brian, silly brian who gets excited over spam?

    Mon, I do remember. That was a crazy weekend.

    Daniel, good theory.

    AL, it wouldn't surprise me if there was a camera hidden. It was that weird.

  6. crazy. I call the cops when I see accidents. I just keep going, but I call just in case.


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