Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wii Sports Resort

If you have a Nintendo Wii then go out and buy Wii Sports Resort. If you don't have a Wii go out and buy one and then buy Wii Sports Resort. It's a blast! One of the most fun games I've played in years. I got it for my birthday in August and I still love it.


  1. PSA: Definitely buy it, but if you don't have any of the Wii Motion Plus add-ons, I'd say don't buy it yet. Nintendo's announced that starting on 10/11 they're going to be selling it pre-packaged with 2 motion plus things for $60, a $10 savings if you want to wait a week and a half. (You need two for some of the multiplayer goodness.)

  2. nice. saw this the other day and was intrigued.

  3. What is so cool is it is not just a game, but a total body work out! The Wii Fit with the yoga and other type will shed pounds and burn calories right on a pad in your home! Insane! The Wii people (ha) are incredibly smart.

  4. It's nice when a gift continues to give pleasure.

  5. Looking like a great present for my wife for Christmas Rob - thanks for the heads up


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