Thursday, September 24, 2009

Internalize the message

Have you ever heard a message at church and thought "oh I wish so and so was here to hear this." Or been at church and thought "this is good for the person sitting next to me. I hope they get it!"

Sometimes it's hard to internalize the message. Even if you think the message does apply to you it's hard to internalize it. It's hard to think about it so much it causes you to change your actions.

It's so hard that I ask God to speak to my heart before I go to church. Whether I'm visiting a church, or listening to my pastor I want God to speak to me. I want to internalize the message. Even if the talk is on something I think I'm already doing I want God to speak to my heart. I want God to speak to my heart in a way that causes me to think so much I can't help but act on what I'm thinking about.


  1. Acting on what we know is so dang hard to do. I hear the words, I comprehend them, and the path that I should take is clear as day. However, I just can't seem to follow through. What does this say about me? I probably don't want to know.

  2. I listened to your message from Sunday and was so completely moved by it, I listened twice! The message that the little things count really hit home. I have been applying it all week!


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Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.